Shameless Teen Does Webcam?
That girl from Shameless is doing teen webcam shows now? WTF? No… I am not talking about Fiona Gallagher. I am talking about the hot girl that often is wearing nothing but skimpy panties showing off her fine ass!
The girl is Emma Greenwell and she plays Mandy Milkovich. I was more than thrilled when she moved in with Lip during the current season. Watching her in panties is like some kind of therapy.
Did I mention her tits? Fucking nice!
Mr Skin has plenty of Emma Greenwell’s naked video clips and pictures from various parts she has played. Of course he also has tens of thousands of nude clips of just about every other actress that has ever appeared nude in a movie or a TV show.
But I have a confession to make. That teen in the first picture isn’t Emma. It is Nicolya and she is from Russia. At 18 years old she is making a killing from the fact that she looks like Emma. You can find hundreds more girls that will float your boat at Teen Web Cams. They always have dozens of hot Bettys on tap!